Louis Grenier Case Study | Liam Curley
‘How do we make it different from the others so it is remarkable?’”
Louis Grenier • Stand The F*ck Out: The No-Nonsense Guide to Positioning Your Business, Finding Your People, and Building a Durable Brand
A thought leaders approach is: ‘This is what I know, and I help these sort of people, who are experiencing these problems to get these results. If that’s of interest to you, it would be an honour to work together..’
Scott Stein • The Thought Leaders Practice: Do work you love with people you like the way you want
But what about the bravery of ideas? Contrast is just that.
Chris Brogan • The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise?
But what about the bravery of ideas? Contrast is just that.
Chris Brogan • The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise?
8:00-9:21 - The ... See more
Mark McGranaghan • Personal brand with Brian Lovin // Metamuse podcast episode 51
Ryan Law’s five traits of good thought leadership:
Personal: Everything we share in thought leadership has to, in some way, come from you and be uniquely yours. It has to be a product of the experiences you've had, the lessons you've learned, the problems you've solved, and the people and network you have built up.
Credible: It isn't enough just to s
Level 1: The Knowledge Trap
You're creating solid content—guides, posts, tutorials. But here's the uncomfortable truth: AI can now generate this content in seconds. Knowledge sharing alone won't set you apart
Level 2: The Experience Edge
This is where differentiatio... See more