Louis Grenier Case Study | Liam Curley
One of the things that impactful experts do is make connections between disparate areas of knowledge. They see things in one field and apply them in another. Useful nuggets of insight are buried everywhere.
David C. Baker, Emily Mills, • Secret Tradecraft of Elite Advisors: Covert Techniques for a Remarkable Practice
Doing thought leadership – that is, creating and publicising insights that will be of interest to your clients. • Being a thought leader – that is, being widely recognised and rated for your interesting insights and knowledge, and having the credibility to influence others (generally from having done a lot of thought leadership to earn this recogni
... See moreTim Prizeman • The Thought Leadership Manual
But what about the bravery of ideas? Contrast is just that.
Chris Brogan • The Impact Equation: Are You Making Things Happen or Just Making Noise?
George Mack on how your personal brand is defined not by how similar you are to the tribe, but what eccentricities make you stand out from it:
"Only the irrational behaviour survives - If you study the biographies of the greats or attend the funerals of people you care about — the normal rational behavior is never mentioned. Instead, it’s filled wi
... See moreif you’re the one who created and educated them on this new category, who are they going to see as the expert? That’s right. You.