art girl + internet kid + creative mind
art girl + internet kid + creative mind
project the subtle segmentations of discipline onto the confused space of internment, combine it with the methods of analytical distribution proper to power, individualize the excluded, but use procedures of individualization to mark exclusion — this is what was operated regularly by disciplinary power from the beginning of the nineteenth century
Generally speaking, all the authorities exercising individual control function according to a double mode; that of binary division and branding (mad/sane; dangerous/harmless; normal/abnormal); and that of coercive assignment of differential distribution (who he is; where he must be; how he is to be characterized; how he is to be recognized; how a c
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como una persona que se enfada con facilidad (mi niña interior) una de mis grandes batallas siempre ha sido tratar de manejar a esa niña, sin vergüenza y enojona. Con el tiempo, la niña se ha vuelto mas consciente y adulta y he encintrado maneras de manejar y controlar ese enojo, conteniéndolo o liberándolo: ni hacia a mi, ni hacia otros. Aún queda mucho muchi camino por recorrer, pero el tiempo revela que sí se puede: inteligencia emocional.