art girl + internet kid + creative mind
art girl + internet kid + creative mind
Analyzes the interplay between human behavior, natural patterns, and design, highlighting the consequences of consumerism and technology on society, mental health, and ecological sustainability, referencing philosophical and cultural implications.
LinkAnálisis y comentario de Texto sobre el Capítulo 4 del libroo “Filosofía del Diseño”. Critical Thinking. Reading and commenting about brilliant, throught provoking books takes me back to highschool, a moment in life i cherish so much <3
1984ish <3
art + love = LIFE itself!!
Because most people are more emotional than logical, they tend to overreact to short-term results; they give up and sell low when times are bad and buy too high when times are good. I find this is just as true for relationships as it is for investments—wise people stick with sound fundamentals through the ups and downs, while flighty people react
... See moreso relatable and so true !!!
brilliantly explained. literalmente la razón por la que me desconecto realmente de instagram: “it makes you angrier, more distracted”
Explores Vilém Flusser's philosophy on design, examining the relationship between art and technology, the meanings of design, and the implications of materiality and form in shaping cultural understanding.
LinkLibro Filosofía del Diseño. Sobre el diseño y la sociedad. Existencial, completely enlightning to the point it absolutely shattera hour heart. Brilliant. Timeless. Un libro que literalmente ha cambiado mi forma de pensar. Me ha hecho cuestionar todo, así como lo hizo 1984 en aquel momento. Quiero dejarlo aqui guardado.
“The choices made by designers have a significant effect on the world. Yet so much of the discourse on design focuses on aesthetics rather than ethics. […] How do you make room for humanity, with all its wondrous variations, in a society increasingly driven by metrics, algorithms, and profit? How can ecologically responsible designers consider a pr
... See moreprecisamente lo que expone el libro Filosofía del Diseño y que no se me ha salido de la mente desde que lo leí. Me encanta mi carrera, el diseño gráfico me parece una disciplina brillante que logra unir lo abstracto del arte con lo sistemático del capitalismo. Lo que quiero es yo, como diseñadora cómo puedo encontrar mi espacio y crear cosas que SÍ le aporten algo positivo al mundo y a la humanidad. Me REHÚSO a seguir aportando voluntariamente a esta máquina monstruosa capitalista que nos consume a todos y al planeta. I know for a fact que el diseño es como si tuviesemos la capacidad de Dios, de crear. Lo que TENEMOS el DEBER es de crear cosas buenas y dejar de alimentar a la máquina.