Dominik Schwarz
Dominik Schwarz
The prevailing dogma is that startups should ship and iterate as quickly as possible. Scott believes that’s often counterproductive. You need to “surprise and delight” your customers to create a product that grows organically. You can’t do that by simply meeting a user’s expectations; you must surpass them. Doing so takes time and polishing.
19 Things You Can Say to People in 10 Seconds That Sometimes Produce Insanely Outsized Effects
1. Yeah, someone *should* do that. Why not you?
2. Is there something you could do about that problem in the next five minutes?
3. That's a great thought - have you written it up somewhere? I'd be excited to share it if so.
4. Should you write a blog or Linke
... See moreHow the Greatest Entrepreneurs Hire (h/t David Senra)
Steve Jobs stated that each new hire became a percentage of the company, so why wouldn’t you take the time to find all A-players?
David Ogilvy, as an already established businessman, would see advertisements that he liked and then cold call the person who made the ad — this is how he sourced his t