Adam Zeiner


a persistently curious generalist (parading as a strategic designer, facilitator, and organizer) attempting to wrangle complexity

  • Ux

    33 cards · by Mo Shafieeha and

  • Choosing your metrics, KPIs, etc...

    31 cards · by sari and

  • Management & Leadership

    167 cards · by sari and

  • social systems

    31 cards · by Juan Orbea and

  • social impact

    16 cards · by Sam Blumenthal and

  • content strategy

    2 cards · by Adam Zeiner and

  • ux writing

    1 card · by Adam Zeiner

  • GTM (go to market strategy)

    55 cards · by sari and

  • Healthcare

    16 cards · by Emily Silverman, MD and

  • Consumerization of Healthcare

    142 cards · by sari and