web as performance
andrea and
web as performance
andrea and
phoebe added 8mo
sari added 1y
An exploration of the relationship between free will and neural activity, using metaphors of marbles and symmballs to discuss control and consciousness within the human brain.
legacy.cs.indiana.edusari added 1y
alex added 6mo
phoebe added 1y
This is what the internet was always meant to be. A resource for learning. It’s so simple, but we forget.
sari added 9mo
alex added 1y
people think the solution to the web becoming a big performance stage is to have lots of fragmented smaller communities. But finding the right community is really hard. A better way is to use novel technologies and network mechanics to matchmake in real-time. You get a new community every second depending on what you’re thinking.
sari added 1y
Alara added 1y