Orders taken, drinks in hand, everyone in place, the topic is then discussed. If a few people begin to drift off-topic be vigilant, pull them back in. It’s not only a single topic but also a single conversation. Everyone listens to everyone. Everyone who wants to speak, speaks. Foster a self-awareness of convo-monopolization.
Kohn decided to post a TikTok asking if anyone would like to join her on a walk. Simple. Straightforward. “I thought, ‘Maybe I’ll get coffee with a couple of girls,’” she recalls. “And at the first walk we had over 250 girls show up.”
That first stroll has now morphed into City Girls Who Walk, a New York walking club that has women strutting into C... See more
This is the superpower of the Walk and Talk — putting adults into a situation they may not have experienced since they were a kid: new people, unknown environs, continuous socializing, intense conversations. The walls breakdown quickly on a Walk and Talk and by the third or fourth day, you are no longer walking with strangers but seemingly old frie... See more
We often associate loneliness with seniority, an image of elderly people cooped up inside. However, young adults are twice as likely to be lonely than seniors—a whopping 79 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds report feelings of loneliness.
A walk-n-talk works like this: gather 5-10 curious, kind, generous, patient, inspiring people and set a walking course through the countryside for a week, plus or minus a day or two. A week works well because it may take a day or two or three for people to open up, for the so-called “situational extroverts” to fully emerge from their shells, for th... See more