start writing long form online
To me, a clear mind is the foundation of creation and expression. If you can’t see and think clearly in the present, it’s hard to detect what you truly like, let alone what you want to create. Your desire to express is going to feel opaque and unreachable until your mental space is clean enough to detect your inner signals and to hear yourself.
I think this process is what lead me to arrive at memory as a service as an realisation. Making time to think consuming under less pressure and what was that expression picking the cherries from the river
Build a world. Make your projects and work a vessel for self-expression. Make your software match your vibe. Make reading your book feel like it feels to talk with you. Customize, make it bespoke, put yourself into it instead of doing what you feel you should. This has all kinds of benefits (reducing burn out for instance) but especially helps with... See more
Be an idea expander
The way to get novelty is to write about topics you've thought about a lot. Then you can use yourself as a proxy for the reader in this department too. Anything you notice that surprises you, who've thought about the topic a lot, will probably also surprise a significant number of readers. And here, as with correctness and importance, you can use t... See more
My strategy is loose, then tight. I write the first draft of an essay fast, trying out all kinds of ideas. Then I spend days rewriting it very carefully.
Look closely at the most embarrassing details and amplify them.
People read nonfiction to learn and to feel. My framework for ensuring a blog post accomplishes both is to start with a first draft that focuses on "novel" ideas.
A novel idea is one that's not just new to the reader, but also significant and not easily intuited. Think of it as new and worthwhile . I've identified five categories:
A novel idea is one that's not just new to the reader, but also significant and not easily intuited. Think of it as new and worthwhile . I've identified five categories:
- Counter-intuitive —
What to Write About
ideas only become clear once you begin to work on them