• sari added 9mo ago

  • from Gardens Need Walls: On Boundaries, Ritual, and Beauty by Sarah Perry

    Keely Adler added 1mo ago

  • sari added 10mo ago

  • andrea added 5mo ago

  • from A Time to Build Tight Brands in the Chaos of Loose Cultures by Jasmine Bina

    Keely Adler added 1mo ago

  • All That Is Solid Melts Into Information

    by Byung-Chul Han

    36 highlights

    Thumbnail of All That Is Solid Melts Into Information

    SpaceXponential added 2y ago

  • from The Hidden Powers of Everyday Ritual

    Mary Martin added 7mo ago

  • Preview of p-b6yyd37alda

    In an effort to slow you down mid-scroll, the only metric we check on social is the “total number of saves.” Here are our top six from the year. 🦥 🐌 🦦 On a related note, one of our most frequently asked questions is, “what app do you use to make these?” You might LOL at the answer but we actually print them out, hand draw the logo and take a picture of the crinkled paper in sunlight. In an effort to practice what we preach, we (try to) place more emphasis on the process than a perfect end result. CC @leighpatterson @glennmendonsa

    andrea added 5mo ago

  • How to Design (and Redesign) the Practices of Company Culture

    Thumbnail of How to Design (and Redesign) the Practices of Company Culture

    Sarah Drinkwater added 2y ago