Brian Sholis added 2y
Conviction is an extension of self-knowledge. It emerges from your experiences and prior conditions. To know that is to know yourself. Being someone with conviction is really just living with clarity, and everything else is downstream of this self-knowledge.
on not living a paper-thin life
Sindhu Shivaprasad added 5mo
Are you creating to build what looks like success to others or are you creating to build value?
Erikc Perez-Perez added 1y
If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.
-Joseph Campbell
Erikc Perez-Perez added 1y
The Most Important Piece of Career Advice You Probably Never Heard - Cal Newport
Cal Newportcalnewport.comsari added 2y
sari added 1y
To illustrate the difference between art and technique, he tells the story of two people who each make a glass cup: the first person designs a fine, functional glass from which one can drink perfectly, but the second person, an artisan, creates another glass cup that is so special, it generates an emotional reaction.
The Greeks would say the second ... See more
The Greeks would say the second ... See more
Erikc Perez-Perez added 1y
The five questions in V2MOM are:
What do I really want?
What’s important about it?
How do I get it?
What is preventing me from having it?
How will I know that I have it?
Alara added 1y
"Ideas start out small, weak, and fragile. In order to grow, ideas need financial capital. But they also need emotional capital - good energy, positivity, and resilience. The best way to control your emotional capital is to fine tune your internal monologue and replace your hunger for approval with a desire to grow."
Erikc Perez-Perez added 1y
lili added 9mo
An antidote to finding your purpose