Perfectionism is not a pathology
procrastination is not a character defect; rather, it is an attempt—albeit an unsatisfactory one—at coping with the often incapacitating fear of having our worth held up for judgment.
Neil Fiore • The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play
perfection is an abstract concept. It takes an abstract mind to grasp its meaning and to cherish a vision that does not exist in the concrete world. Facility with abstraction is the sine qua non of giftedness; this quality differentiates the gifted from others throughout the lifespan.
Dr. Linda Silverman • Perfectionism: the Crucible of Giftedness
Trying to get rid of your perfectionism is like trying to get rid of the wind by whacking it with a broom. Perfectionism is too powerful for an eradication approach. When you try to get rid of your perfectionism, all you’re doing is hemorrhaging energy at the opportunity cost of attending to your wellness.
Katherine Morgan Schafler • The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control
Try to make something perfect and it will remain imperfect. Do it naturally and it is always perfect. Nature is perfect; effort is imperfect. So whenever you are doing something too much, you are destroying.
Osho • Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within (Osho Insights for a New Way of Living)
If there is such a thing as human perfection, it seems to emerge precisely from how we handle the imperfection that is everywhere, especially our own. – Richard Rohr
I believe that our creativity grows like sidewalk weeds out of the cracks between our pathologies—not from the pathologies themselves. But so many people think it’s the other way around. For this reason, you will often meet artists who deliberately cling to their suffering, their addictions, their fears, their demons. They worry that if they ever l
... See moreElizabeth Gilbert • Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
Perfectionism is the most noteworthy personality characteristic associated with giftedness.
Dr. Linda Silverman • Perfectionism: the Crucible of Giftedness
In Maslow’s prescription for self-actualization, he invites counselors to encourage what others might discourage: perfectionistic zeal.
Dr. Linda Silverman • Perfectionism: the Crucible of Giftedness
Perfection as we typically think about it should be treated more as a way to focus our attention rather than a final accomplishment that we attain.
Shannon Lee • Be Water, My Friend: The Teachings of Bruce Lee
Most of my clients, and the parents of gifted children that I address at workshops and seminars, reveal that they are perfectionists. My first task is to help them see their perfectionism as a strength instead of as a weakness. I share with them the strong linkage between perfectionism and giftedness, and explain that it comes with the territory of
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