Since M&E revenue is derived by monetizing consumer time and engagement, it is tough for the overall market to grow if time spent is not.
Doug Shapiro • The Relentless, Inevitable March of the Creator Economy
(media and entertainment) This means that watch time CAN’T be the only metric, or you’re doomed to fail.
And like, I feel compelled to to write about these damn mice! I want to EB White the shit out of every single mouse moment. This writing would reveal nothing new! It would change nothing about mice-human relations!
But writing about those mice helps me observe - right there out of the corner of my eye! - the border of my own reality. It helps me re... See more
But writing about those mice helps me observe - right there out of the corner of my eye! - the border of my own reality. It helps me re... See more
Pocket Observatory • A Dripping Dread
Meg Conley is a damn poet.
A skeuomorph (also spelled skiamorph , /ˈskjuːəˌmɔːrf,ˈskjuːoʊ-/)[1][2] is a derivative object that retains ornamental design cues (attributes) from structures that were necessary in the original.[3] Skeuomorphs are typically used to make something new feel familiar in an effort to speed understanding and acclimation. They employ elements that, whi... See more
Don’t build a skeuomorph!!!