Liberalism is the rebellion now
Liberalism came to fear ideals. After all, their very existence evinces some standard that is superior to the human individual and his or her personal preferences, causing he or she — knowing of nothing but a world in which their own agency is taken as the prime source of meaning – to be offended by them. For the liberal, the very principle of the ... See more
the critic • The death of Ideals
In some ways the left has become even more conformist than the right. The liberal New Republic has less viewpoint diversity than the conservative National Review — a reversal of historical patterns.
David Brooks • Opinion | The Future of Nonconformity (Published 2020)
American political discourse is deteriorating into two opposing echo chambers. They both betray a conformity in opinion and intolerance towards dissension that could not, by any stretch of the imagination, be identified as "liberal". The furious blows between these political tribes is unrecognizable as a free marketplace of ideas. And the conformit... See more
Jonathan Bi • Johnathan at Limbo — 404
As David French wrote last year in the New York Times : “We’re misinformed not because the government is systematically lying or suppressing the truth. We’re misinformed because we like the misinformation we receive and are eager for more.”
Platformer • Start the Conversation
The result is that the New Faith, which rejects nearly every fundamental principle of liberal modernity – the existence of an objective and immutable reality that can be discovered by reason; the scientific method; an enduring human nature; the primacy of the sovereign individual over the collective; impartial equality before the law; secular plura... See more
N.S. Lyons • The Upheaval
Take that mentality and raise it to the power of Facebook, Instagram, and cable news – where people are more keenly aware of how other people live than ever before. It’s gasoline on a flame. Benedict Evans says, “The more the Internet exposes people to new points of view, the angrier people get that different views exist.” That’s a big shift from t... See more
Nick Wignall •
Populist movements — on both the right and left — argue that liberalism has failed to deliver on its lofty ideals. Instead of liberty, equality, and prosperity, it has brought about widening inequality, the breakdown of traditional communities, and unchecked power for an elite class that is increasingly detached from ordinary people.