• Education - Learning & Development

    12 cards · by MargaretC

    MargaretC added 2mo ago

  • sari added 4mo ago

  • from Stanford duck syndrome: How the myth of effortless genius hurts learning

    Laura Pike Seeley added 4mo ago

  • Thumbnail of www-x-com-noampomsky-status-1744580839978266647

    andrea added 6mo ago

  • phoebe added 6mo ago

  • How to Make Learning as Addictive as Social Media | Luis Von Ahn | TED

    silence and added 6mo ago

  • alex added 7mo ago

  • T.X. WATSON Searches 'Zettelkasten Method' | Come Internet With Me - thejaymo

    by Jay

    Thumbnail of T.X. WATSON Searches 'Zettelkasten Method' | Come Internet With Me - thejaymo

    MargaretC added 8mo ago

  • phoebe added 10mo ago

  • You can't reach the brain through the ears

    by Adam Mastroianni

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of You can't reach the brain through the ears

    sari added 1y ago