Internet: repulsion and attraction

Freddie deBoer The Bitter End of "Content"

Molly Snowden added 3mo

How to Blow Up a Timeline

Molly Snowden added 3mo

Kyle Raymond Fitzpatrick social media managers are turning 40 😭

Molly Snowden added 3mo

Freddie deBoer The Bitter End of "Content"

Molly Snowden added 3mo

Freddie deBoer The Bitter End of "Content"

Molly Snowden added 3mo

Aaron Z. Lewis The garden of forking memes: how digital media distorts our sense of time

Molly Snowden added 3mo

Preview of pm-png-1b81

Molly Snowden added 3mo

Brian Eno Brian Eno on Creativity, Confidence, and How Attention Creates Value

Molly Snowden added 3mo

Substack You Don't Need To Document Everything

Molly Snowden added 3mo

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