idea generation
Quite often the person who comes to something completely fresh will have in fact the benefit of ignorance in a way. They don’t have the baggage of thinking they know the right way to do it.
– Rory Sutherland
Thread by @patio11: "Some people really benefit from hearing advice that everyone knows, for the same reason we keep schools open despite every subject in them h […]"
Thread Readerthreadreaderapp.comOur ideas appear primarily in one situation: when little else is occupying our thoughts…Good ideas require boredom. If you constantly ingest new information, the existing information can never be digested.
Nat Eliason • The Art of Fermenting Great Ideas
Greatness Without Goals
joincolossus.comOnce Upon a Time… at Bennington College on Apple Podcasts somewhere bad to get somewhere good. A few weeks ago, I interviewed psychologist Adam Alter about his book Anatomy of a Breakthrough . In it, he writes about the “creative cliff illusion,” the notion that good creative ideas will either come quickly or not at all. Unfortunately, our intuition has that one approximately backward. In studies of... See more