Leo Guinan
Leo Guinan
This is a broken assumption of the insurance market. It’s based on money, not security. The problem is that we don’t organize the problem correctly. We don’t need to protect against specific kinds of events. We need to protect specific people. Everyone is worth protecting. What if insurance was designed to help us figure out exactly how valuable everyone was to protect and to who?
The model flips and the math is way easier.
the past telling us we are bad for not conforming to the safety of rules that no longer apply and the future pulling us toward a state that we know surely must exist somewhere, and we’ve just got to get to it, then we’ll be safe.
All we know is that we aren’t safe now. And all we want to be is safe.
A lot of this is rooted in societal pressures.
What we value and
This is an important thing to realize.
Tasting Burnout - creating publicly on the internet
This shouldn’t be true. Success financially should be a choice, not an outcome.
New Institutions and
Diversification + stability are the key attributes
New Institutions and
This seems to imply that creating the impression of a strong economy is a self-fulfilling prophecy that creates more work.
New Institutions and
Does this have to be true?