Leo Guinan


  • from The Serengeti Plain Fallacy: Fallacies that aren't fallacies by Jason Cohen

    What we value

  • from My Hoffman Process Experience

    Enter The Matrix

  • from Anastasis Germanidis

    Enter The Matrix

  • from Maud Muller, by John Greenleaf Whittier

    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Future

  • WSP New Zealand | WSP

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of WSP New Zealand | WSP

    Economics of Human Energy

  • from WSP New Zealand | WSP

    Abundant Systems

  • from Selling your filter bubble back to you by Ryan Broderick

    Creator economy trends

  • The Abolition of Work

    by Bob Black

    19 highlights

    Engineering Generosity

  • from The Abolition of Work by Bob Black

    Economics of Human Energy