What we value
A quote by Muhammad Ali
Friendship quote resonated.

AI Turned Me Into a Content Agency of One
This statement is the key. The expectations grow with technology, and wages don’t grow with expectations. Wages are based on past values.
every story is a degrowth story
This is a very bleak look at things, and I believe won’t age well. I predict that most of his biggest concerns will be alleviated in the next 2-3 years, because if we don’t, I think we won’t make it past those
every story is a degrowth story
Ok, I think I see where he’s going. But I think there’s also a possibility of a counter narrative that can re-write the degrowth one in terms of growth.
- Paladin saves the world? Degrowth story.
- Barbarian masculine energy saves the world? Degrowth story.
- Enlightened sexless bureaucracy saves the world? Degrowth story.
- Nurturing feminine energy saves the world? Degrowth story.
- Unbridled technological acceleration saves the world? Degrowth story.
- Unbridled GDP growth saves the world? Degrowth story.
- Saintly
every story is a degrowth story
These I agree are degrowth stories.
I think the connection he’s making is to the book, so that the loss of complexity in society leaves people feeling lost and unvalued, and that leads to societal collapse.
What if we don’t tie society to complexity?
every story is a degrowth story
I don’t think this is necessarily degrowth, it’s compression. This feels like simplicity is a return to understanding of what’s valuable after building on top of it. It’s the flower budding, blooming, wilting, and blooming again. It’s cyclical and growth oriented, because uncapped growth is deadly to the environment and will be rejected.
Divya Venn • Tweet
This is incredible
Jonah Peretti • The Anti-SNARF Manifesto
Economic Bizzaro World now in play