How to design better?
A collection of ideas on the design process and creating great designs
How to design better?
Though largely forgotten today, methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve have been developed for centuries. To produce perfect books these rules have to be brought to life.
source: Die neue Typographie by Jan Tschichold
Rule #5: Stretch and warm up
This isn’t limited to film, or art. Design is also editing; The editing is not limited merely to the object itself, but also the processes involved, the pipelines and workflows to build that object, the supply chain to make sure the object , the presentation, how to sell?
Rule #8: Keep asking why
If I believe in something, it means I know a certain amount about it. This gives me confidence to make decision, take action, do things that would have been harder to do before finding that belief. The belief that comes from finding purpose in what you’re doing.
If I’m trying to write some code and something is... See more