Here is the message he ended with: “Study something you love in depth.”
“Here’s the only thing you need to remember from this talk: ‘Study something you love to death’—I mean ‘depth’! [laughter] ‘Study something you love in depth.’ I just gave you an hour, so tonight give me 45 minutes. Spend 45 minutes tonight studying something you love. Watch the... See more
“My whole life has been spent trying to teach people that intense concentration for hour after hour can bring out in people resources they didn’t know they had.”
— Edwin Land
Mark Zuckerberg on the importance of focus. Google+ is a good example.
Maintaining focus becomes easier because ideas become less interesting. “Experts literally experience a different world within their specialism,” Tom Morgan pointed out . Experts perceive more layers and details, they see patterns and nuances invisible to others. Their experience of the same domain is richer, more interesting, and filled with an in... See more
Making few bets forces you to make hard decisions. It’s extremely hard to measure the value of something against some abstract and absolute notion of value.
Proponents of diversification argue that it takes the edge off of making a mistake. That would be a good argument if people acted the same way independent of t... See more
re: many genAI apps can do 'anything and everything'
i used to tell this funny story to a lot of consumer founders:
when one-shot TTS first started to work, someone made a website where you could deepfake anyone's voice (long before ElevenLabs quality). it had a complicated UX and got little traction
a few months later someone made a website whe... See more
If you look around, you’ll notice the people and organizations moving the fastest are the focused ones. Not only do they focus on a few ideas, but within the scope of those ideas, they are able to focus on the key variables.
Identifying the variables that matter comes with focus. When you commit to living in a problem, you understand things about i... See more