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Focus to Win
If you look around, you’ll notice the people and organizations moving the fastest are the focused ones. Not only do they focus on a few ideas, but within the scope of those ideas, they are able to focus on the key variables.
Farnam Street • Focus to Win
The only people you should hire are focused ones. The only competitors you should worry about are the focused ones.
Farnam Street • Focus to Win
If you look around, you’ll notice the people and organizations moving the fastest are the focused ones. Not only do they focus on a few ideas, but within the scope of those ideas, they are able to focus on the key variables.
Identifying the variables that matter comes with focus. When you commit to living in a problem, you understand things about i... See more
Identifying the variables that matter comes with focus. When you commit to living in a problem, you understand things about i... See more
Farnam Street • Focus to Win
Jobs would often test people, asking them, “how many things have you said no to?” Ive was up to the task of answering, only he didn’t mean it, and Jobs read right through him.
I would have these sacrificial things, because I wanted to be very honest about it. And so I’d say, “Well, I said no to this and no to that.” But he knew that I wasn’t vaguel... See more
Farnam Street • Focus to Win
The tendency of people and organizations is to lose focus. So one way to identify outstanding people is by their ability to commit and focus on something for a long period of time.
The only people you should hire are focused ones. The only competitors you should worry about are the focused ones.
The only people you should hire are focused ones. The only competitors you should worry about are the focused ones.
Farnam Street • Focus to Win
Anyone can say no to bad ideas, but only a focused person can say no to good ideas. Focus is about saying no.
When talking about one of the biggest lessons he learned from Steve Jobs, Jonny Ive said it was focus.
When talking about one of the biggest lessons he learned from Steve Jobs, Jonny Ive said it was focus.
This sounds really simplistic, but it still shocks me how few people actually practice this, and it’s a struggle to practice, but is this... See more
Farnam Street • Focus to Win
Anyone can say no to bad ideas, but only a focused person can say no to good ideas.
Farnam Street • Focus to Win
Narrow the focus. Raise the standard. And set yourself apart.
Farnam Street • Focus to Win
The tendency of people and organizations is to lose focus. So one way to identify outstanding people is by their ability to commit and focus on something for a long period of time.