Cognitive Reprogramming
A long-term project learning practices in using physical micro actions, thoughts and verbal cues to activate desired mental and emotional states on demand.
Cognitive Reprogramming
A long-term project learning practices in using physical micro actions, thoughts and verbal cues to activate desired mental and emotional states on demand.
No one was born a client.
This just changed how I look at established roles we play. We are actors on the world’s stage, like Shakespeare said. I just didn’t know it was quite literal.
Winston Churchill hit the nail on the head when he said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”
Feb 12, 2025
I listed down all the work I’m unable to get around to doing, or have slipped from my mind. All the things that make me feel like I’ve failed.
I noticed something different as I wrote these things down in my journal. I began feeling heavy in the heart, disappointed of course but as I neared the end I was smiling? This was new.
... See moreI see time to be directly linked to attention. You can fuse with your surroundings (archaic time), lock into one object (magical time/flow/addiction), orient around events, narrative or cycles (mythical time), or obsess over budgeting hours and minutes (rational time). The idea of escaping rational time and realizing “I am time” is liberating, and
... See moreThe world around you is built by your thoughts. If you want the world around you to change, change the way you think about the world around you.