the possibility-oriented person
In the measurement world, you set a goal and strive for it. In the universe of possibility, you set the context and let life unfold.
Benjamin Zander • The Art of Possibility
Aeon • How to Know What You Really Want | Psyche Guides
Most of the time there is a gap between the life we know is possible and the one we live. That gap appears as restlessness, pain, longing, fear, irredeemable loneliness, your skin crawling—some uncomfortable state.
John Tarrant • Bring Me the Rhinoceros: And Other Zen Koans That Will Save Your Life
Personal Renewal
Freedom to feel and experience the full spectrum of human experience. I don’t want to be arbitrarily chained down in anything I didn’t choose — ever.
(Molly Mielke on Audience of One)
In the inner domain of consciousness, the possibilities for new thoughts, insights, and discoveries is already unlimited. This alone makes it important to see Homo sapiens as a consciousness-based species. Infinite possibilities are part of our makeup. But something inside us resists believing in infinity as a human quality. Edited reality feels mo
... See moreDeepak Chopra • Metahuman
Once you no longer feel the stifling pressure to become a particular kind of person, you can confront the personality, the strengths and weaknesses, the talents and enthusiasms you find yourself with, here and now, and follow where they lead.
Oliver Burkeman • Four Thousand Weeks
Our identities are open systems, and so are our lives. We don’t have to stay tethered to old images of where we want to go or who we want to be. The simplest way to start rethinking our options is to question what we do daily.
Adam Grant • Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know
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