Synchronicity is defined as a meaningful coincidence, setting it apart from random coincidences that have no meaning,
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
The fact that a process is slow or fast doesn’t make a difference to the basic reality that things are processes.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
In the inner domain of consciousness, the possibilities for new thoughts, insights, and discoveries is already unlimited. This alone makes it important to see Homo sapiens as a consciousness-based species. Infinite possibilities are part of our makeup. But something inside us resists believing in infinity as a human quality. Edited reality feels mo
... See moreDeepak Chopra • Metahuman
Fulfillment is the state of needing nothing because you are enough in yourself.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Being human can only be defined as limitless.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Reality is much more malleable than anyone supposes. Most of the limitations that you feel are imposed on you personally are actually self-imposed.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Creativity doesn’t need to progress; it is already complete. Every life form is a complete creative act.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
My contention is that existence is consciousness; therefore, no animal ability is astonishing (except in our one-eyed view), because every life form expresses traits that belong to pure consciousness.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Experience is how we know anything.
Deepak Chopra • Metahuman
Chasing worldly desires is what life is all about to the vast majority of people. Being still and quiet, by the same token, feels very uncomfortable for many.