Molly Simpson
Spaghetti-brained. Googly-eyed.
I collect dots so that I can connect them.
Molly Simpson
Spaghetti-brained. Googly-eyed.
I collect dots so that I can connect them.
We need to stop tying ourselves so narrowly to this punitive vision that we’ve got to date in our twenties, find the ideal partner by twenty-eight, and have our first child at thirty-one, otherwise our life will be miserable.
‘Hope is optimism with a broken heart'. This means that hope has an earned understanding of the sorrowful or corrupted nature of things, yet it rises to attend to the world even still. We understand that our demoralisation becomes the most serious impediment to bettering the world. In its active form, hope is a supreme gesture of love, a radical an
... See moreWe keep a journal to entrap that collection of selves that forms us, the individual human being.
(William Boyd, Any Human Heart)
In the measurement world, you set a goal and strive for it. In the universe of possibility, you set the context and let life unfold.