There is real joy to be found in not immediately understanding exactly what a book is doing. Joy in seeing that something outside of the narrative structure we’re familiar with is at play; joy in discovering a different sense of vastness and fluidity. Joy in waiting, patiently, with rich anticipation, for the seemingly disparate pieces of a narrative to mesh, to become something huge and beautiful. Joy in realizing, several chapters into a book, that you could not possibly say what it was “about” until reading to the end, and maybe not even then.
Clark Barron on LinkedIn: I know, I know—As if I needed another hill to die on... If you’ve… | 12 comments
by Clark Barron
Demand [generation] is a byproduct of brand strength.
You can’t generate demand for something people don’t want or need.
There are two forces that move the customer from the old solution to hiring a new product, the PUSH of the current situation and the PULL of the new solution. These forces are accompanied by two progress-blocking forces at the bottom of the diagram, the ANXIETY of the new solution and the HABIT of the present.