Clara Nafria


👋 Hey, I'm Clara — a Barcelona-based serial tech entrepreneur and communications consultant. I'm currently building - alongside 3 great partners - Woopdo, a platform that helps you deliver guided experiences at scale.
  • Women at Work

    2 highlights

    Women In Business and

  • from Tendenci@s | Ismael NafrĂ­a | Substack by Ismael Nafria

  • from Emotions Aren’t the Enemy of Good Decision-Making by Cheryl Strauss Einhorn

  • from Why Is It So Hard to Change? by Steve Schlafman

  • from The CEO of No by Every

  • Progressive Decentralization for Media

    by Li Jin

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of Progressive Decentralization for Media

    Web 3.0 and

  • from Tendenci@s | Ismael NafrĂ­a | Substack by Ismael Nafria

  • Why Is It So Hard to Change?

    by Every

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of Why Is It So Hard to Change?

    leadership and

  • The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age

    by John Heider

    2 highlights

    Relationships and