Saved by rob hardy
A key rule of theatre is that the King is never played by the actor playing the King, but by all the other actors around him.

Understand this: The world wants to assign you a role in life. And once you accept that role you are doomed. Your power is limited to the tiny amount allotted to the role you have selected or have been forced to assume. An actor, on the other hand, plays many roles. Enjoy that protean power, and if it is beyond you, at least forge a new identity, o
... See moreRobert Greene • The 48 Laws of Power
Benjamin Hardy • Personality Isn't Permanent
Ideally, in every scene each character brings out qualities that mark the dimensions of the others, all held in constellation by the weight of the protagonist at the center.
Robert McKee • Story: Style, Structure, Substance, and the Principles of Screenwriting
David Cain • You Are Always the Other Person
A critical piece of the process is inviting people to see themselves as both authors of and actors in their performances, recognize that these are just performances, and make new choices about how they want to be