We deserve some respect. You deserve some respect. You are important to other people, as much as to yourself. You have some vital role to play in the unfolding destiny of the world. You are, therefore, morally obliged to take care of yourself. You should take care of, help and be good to yourself the same way you would take care of, help and be goo
... See moreJordan B. Peterson • 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
those recommendations, people often say they’re afraid that if they are that kind to themselves they will become egocentric and self-indulgent. But we already are egocentric and self-indulgent! Being kind to ourselves is the way not to be egocentric and self-indulgent!
Cheri Huber • There Is Nothing Wrong with You: Going Beyond Self-Hate
You are special whether you accomplish anything or not. He says you are worthy of care even when you are bad or angry. You have a good reason for all your feelings, he tells you, and he knows how hard you try. He is not ambitious for you nor critical of you.
Lindsay C. Gibson • Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: Honor Your Emotions, Nurture Your Self, and Live with Confidence
Compassion is caring for yourself — valuing yourself and your time. You do not owe anyone your time. When you take charge of yourself and affirm that you are a unique and valuable person, the world will affirm it to you also.
Sanaya Roman • Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation (Earth Life Series Book 1)
This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need.
Kristin Neff • Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself
myself. Once I realized what I was doing, I started to hear that critical voice inside and stopped it dead in its tracks, replacing it with a more nurturing parent voice that said, “Give yourself a break. You’re not perfect, and you are going to mess up and make mistakes. After all, you’re only human.” I finally started to treat myself with self-lo
... See moreDaniel Beaver • Love Yourself: The First Step to a Successful Relationship
Self-kindness vs. self-judgment: “Self-compassion entails being warm and understanding toward ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate, rather than ignoring our pain or flagellating ourselves with self-criticism. Self-compassionate people recognize that being imperfect, failing, and experiencing life difficulties [are] inevitable, so they
... See moreBrené Brown • Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience
Hello. Someone told me they just saw a print of this in a school. I love that. Hope your day is good.