• from Org Structure Isn’t Everything in Org Design by Cedric Chin

    Mo Shafieeha added

  • from Org Structure Isn’t Everything in Org Design by Cedric Chin

    Mo Shafieeha added

  • Org Structure Isn’t Everything in Org Design

    by Cedric Chin

    5 highlights

    Mo Shafieeha added

  • from Reforge

    Radik and added

  • from The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization by Peter M. Senge

  • from The Emerging Shape of Design Orgs by Peter Merholz

    Adam Zeiner added

  • from How Apple Is Organized for Innovation by Morten Hansen

    sari added

  • from Is your organization design ready? by Chris Noessel

    Mo Shafieeha added