☞ The Messiness of Reality and Stories

Can the fundamental nature of matter really be lawlessness? Can the stability and order of the world be but a temporary dynamic equilibrium achieved in a corner of the universe, a short-lived eddy in a chaotic current?
Liu, Cixin • The Three-Body Problem
johnsalvatier.org • Reality has a surprising amount of detail
Our finite lives are filled with all the painful problems of finitude, from overfilled inboxes to death, and confronting them doesn’t stop them from feeling like problems
Oliver Burkeman • Four Thousand Weeks
Jake Orthwein • Why Frame Problems? — Frame Problems

Haley Nahman • #155: How to be delusional
we would come to recognize that concepts that seem natural to us are full of contradictions. Perhaps accepting this messiness would lead us to a more conscious and intelligent way of living.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
The smartest minds today—including those studying computers, biology, math, physics—have come to understand that the world no longer adheres to predictable, linear mandates. Instead, life is filled with chaos and complexity, periods of order and disorder, linearity and nonlinearity. In place of steady lines, observers now see loops, spirals, wobble
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