Why I Write

Where are the mystagogues? Writing is mystagogy. It is leading oneself, or others, into a great mystery. Their own lives are a mystery. It is a good place to start.
Luke Burgis • Why I Write
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived. My number one criteria in evaluating a piece of writing is not whether it solved my problems, but whether it opened me up to dive deeper into the mystery.
Luke Burgis • Why I Write
Writing is mystagogy. It is leading oneself, or others, into a great mystery. Their own lives are a mystery. It is a good place to start.
The normal and the everyday is a mystery, too. Yet few people have the eyes to see it that way
The normal and the everyday is a mystery, too. Yet few people have the eyes to see it that way
Luke Burgis • Why I Write
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
Luke Burgis • Why I Write
Writing an essay or short story or book is a personal project that directs our energy in one direction for a period of time. It gives me something to stay focused on, a north star, a vector for movement.