Taste is the bone-deep feeling that you’ve made something good. It is a sense, inexplicable and ephemeral. But it’s also a tangible skill that’s increasingly essential. Taste is how a business differentiates itself when attention is scarce and choice is abundant. Knowing what to make is just as important as the ability to make it. There’s an even bigger challenge needed to build a lasting business: scaling your taste, not just into a single object, but into an organization that can build and distribute many products that reflect that taste.

Taste is the bone-deep feeling that you’ve made something good. It is a sense, inexplicable and ephemeral. But it’s also a tangible skill that’s increasingly essential. Taste is how a business differentiates itself when attention is scarce and choice is abundant. Knowing what to make is just as important as the ability to make it.

There’s an even bigger challenge needed to build a lasting business: scaling your taste, not just into a single object, but into an organization that can build and distribute many products that reflect that taste.

Evan Armstrong The Art of Scaling Taste

Saved by Agalia Tan and

Notes on “Taste”

Brie Wolfsonare.na
Thumbnail of Notes on “Taste”

Taste Is Eating Silicon Valley.

Evan Armstrong The Art of Scaling Taste

Brie Wolfson Notes on “Taste”

Evan Armstrong The Art of Scaling Taste

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