From market failures to market opportunities: managing innovation under asymmetric information - Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
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From market failures to market opportunities: managing innovation under asymmetric information - Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Saved by Gaia Soykok
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sari added
Discovering markets for emerging technologies inherently involves failure, and most individual decision makers find it very difficult to risk backing a project that might fail because the market is not there.
In the physical world, asymmetry is an underlying necessity for any change to happen. For example, the ‘death of the universe’ happens when all energy gradients are exhausted, and there are no asymmetries to create a gradient for energy to flow. If it weren’t for the micro asymmetries in the very early universe, nothing interesting like structures
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By approaching a disruptive business with the mindset that they can’t know where the market is, managers would identify what critical information about new markets is most necessary and in what sequence that information is needed.
Kaustubh Sule added
lead user innovation, information asymmetry between manufacturers and users, and variance in user product needs.
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