note2self: in complex adaptive systems, we have chronos and kairos times. we are agents in these CAS. design for open-endedness (see heymaven, primordial, vintro)
When information is brushed against information the results are startling and effective. The perennial quest for involvement, fill-in, takes many forms.
— Marshall McLuhan, The Medium Is The Massage
note2self: this is like going from time domain to frequency domain. applying laplace transform so we go from having to deal with hairy nasty diffyQs to plain old algebra. letting the bird free from the cage. (see MIT:ted:bird in mymind)
note2self: DJ kool Herc. hiphop created trillions. turn table + culture.
note2self: arthur koestler, creative dissonance, creative destruction.
note2self: ringtail analytics, in complex adaptive systems we have kairos vs chronos events.