Four Pillars of Thought Leadership
You need to know more than the obvious answer to any given questions. You need to be able to create new insights and repurpose old insights so that they are relevant. This is thought leadership.
Scott Stein • The Thought Leaders Practice: Do work you love with people you like the way you want
The Thought Leader Formula: Strategically Leverage Your Expertise to Drive Business & Career Goals
amazon.comA thought leaders approach is: ‘This is what I know, and I help these sort of people, who are experiencing these problems to get these results. If that’s of interest to you, it would be an honour to work together..’
Scott Stein • The Thought Leaders Practice: Do work you love with people you like the way you want
is born of your thought-leadership niche and brings in your opinion and life or work experience.
Rhea Wessel • Write Like a Thought Leader: How to Find a Constant Stream of Story Ideas to Position Yourself As the Go-To Expert in Your Niche
Ryan Law’s five traits of good thought leadership:
Personal: Everything we share in thought leadership has to, in some way, come from you and be uniquely yours. It has to be a product of the experiences you've had, the lessons you've learned, the problems you've solved, and the people and network you have built up.
Credible: It isn't enough just to s
Guidance on building a thought leadership practice emphasizing expertise monetization, financial independence, and strategic project management through a cluster strategy, offering an alternative to traditional employment or business models.