Saved by Ted Glasnow
Ways to differentiate your product
Differentiation just takes creativity. Look around and find some object. If you were selling that object, how would you differentiate it?
Jason Barron • The Visual Mba: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness
Differentiation, the art of standing out from the competition, is not front-page news. What IS front-page news, in a world of extreme clutter, is that you need more than differentiation. You need RADICAL differentiation. The new rule: When everybody zigs, zag.
Neumeier Marty • ZAG: The #1 Strategy of High-Performance Brands
Stephen Houraghan • Brand Archetypes: The Definitive Guide [36 Examples]
Mila Superstar added
Also, on the cheaper front, we are not talking about simply charging less for doing the same thing the competition does. For “cheaper” to be our differentiation, we must have a cost advantage, a way of producing our solution that costs less than our competitors’ methods.
Patrick Vernon • Venture Capital Strategy: How to Think Like a Venture Capitalist
However, don’t be trapped into thinking that product differentiation is about the widget you’re selling. Differentiation can occur where consumers discover the product, how they buy it, the product itself, how it’s delivered, and so on.
Scott Galloway • The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google
differentiate the products, look at the values or benefits that the product gives to your customers, and design product versions that provide different amounts of those benefits.
Leigh Caldwell • The Psychology of Price: How to use price to increase demand, profit and customer satisfaction
Differentiation happens when you authentically amplify the best of you—discovering how to be more of who you are, rather than finding ways to be a version of the competition.