Lauren Wilde


  • Postpartum Following Perinatal Loss

    Perinatal Loss and Grief

  • Family Planning

  • Birth Trauma

  • Preview of p-c61tcvdinfn

    Mother’s Day is tomorrow, and many of us are going to receive gifts of outings, nights out, or traditional “self-care” methods. And these can be great, welcome gifts. But they can also add to an already full plate and fail to leave us rested. We’re often told we just need to rest or practice “self-care” when we express feeling overwhelmed in motherhood. But self-care can sometimes feel like one more thing to do. The invisible load of prioritizing self-care involves: 〰 Learning to say no 〰 Finding the time 〰 Seeking support from family and friends 〰 Trusting others while you’re away 〰 Learning to set and hold boundaries 〰 Having the resources 〰 Letting go of the belief that a good mom is selfless 〰 Being willing to accept help or support 〰 Learning how to manage the guilt 〰 Challenging the belief that your needs aren’t important 〰 Rediscovering things you enjoy 〰 Following through even though there are a million reasons not to It’s easy to feel like it isn’t even worth it. But I want you to know that YOU are worth it. We can take the time to think about our own needs, work on setting boundaries, and give ourselves permission to prioritize our own time. When we value our own time and tune into our own needs, we can shed guilt, let go of expectations, and start practicing real self-care. Working with a mom therapist can help us change the way we view our own time, let go of “good mom” expectations, and find our own path in motherhood. We offer virtual therapy support for moms across Canada and the United States, serving you at every step of your journey. Our mom therapists understand what you’re going through. They can help with: 〰 Recognizing your own needs 〰 Advocating for your needs 〰 Prioritizing your time 〰 Rediscovering yourself in motherhood 〰 And more! Find out if we serve your area and book a FREE 15 minute virtual consultation. Comment MWTHERAPY below to receive a DM with more information or head to momwell.com/booking . . . . . #happymothersday #mothersdaygifts #momsmatter #candidmotherhood #realmoms #mentalloadofmotherhood #invisibleload #invisibleloadofmotherhood


  • Society/Motherhood Contradictions

  • from A life's work

    Society/Motherhood Contradictions

  • Preview of p-c6pcplfgtr8

    Too often women on career pause feel counted out of the conversation about the balancing act. Take this as your sign your work is immense and you deserve to be included in conversations about how to better support mothers. Source: Salary.com and further research and insight can be found here — https://finance.yahoo.com/news/much-economists-stay-home-moms-130001098.html Additional note: this is not to suggest women working out of the home aren’t ALSO doing immense work. This platform is specifically here to change the narrative around stay at home motherhood in America and as such this post is specific to our community of women on career breaks but we truly believe every mother works and every mother mothers even if the day to day and some of the challenges are different.


  • Preview of p-c5yqp3naovb

    Two parts of the rebrand of the stay-at-home parent: 1. It’s immense valuable work 2. We’re still growing and learning. Why? So we get the support and respect needed during chapters of caregiving and the time away from the traditional workforce is respected and supported in our transition back to the paid workforce.

  • Birth Trauma

  • Rebecca Abrams on the effect of a second child on woman's feelings for her firstborn

    by Rebecca Abrams

    Thumbnail of Rebecca Abrams on the effect of a second child on woman's feelings for her firstborn

    Second-Time Parents