Andreas Vlach


  • from Vita Contemplativa by Byung-Chul Han

    Play Slow

  • from Living in Expectation of the Unexpected Gift by theconvivialsociety.substack.com

    Work and

  • from The Business Romantic by Tim Leberecht

    Data vs Intuition

  • from Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things by Adam Grant

    Anxiety Coffee Procrastination Break

  • from Varia by varia

    relationship with self

  • Politics

  • from The Wisdom Letter #054 by Philosophors

    Quotes and

  • from How I Build My Personal Knowledge Library W Sari Azout by Sublime

    the lie at the core of pkm

  • from The End of the Extremely Online Era by Thomas J Bevan

    Offline is the new luxury and Our Times