? Is technology or culture the problem?

“The problem is that so many people spend so much time online that they fail to remember that people are all human at the end of the day, and treating someone else with a modicum of respect is actually a far better way to get them to see your position than flinging at them with fire and vitriol.” — Carl Benjamin

“What I try to focus on is not to try to stop the march of technological progress. Instead, I try to run faster. If Amazon knows you better than you know yourself, then the game is up.” – Yuval Noah Harari
(Jono from Sketchplanations).
"Our various technological prostheses become extensions of our absentmindedness as they become more refined." - Duncan Reyburn
The message of the medium we call AI is the obfuscation of responsibility and relationship.
When AI people talk about labour, they tend to frame jobs as sets of tasks, rather than sets of responsibilities.