Sindhu Shivaprasad


thinker and tinkerer curious about agentic ways of living. writing essays at readkindredspirits.com, digital gardening at sindhu.live

  • from Questions Are Desire Paths of Curiosity by Sindhu Shivaprasad


  • from Questions Are Desire Paths of Curiosity by Sindhu Shivaprasad


  • from Questions Are Desire Paths of Curiosity by Sindhu Shivaprasad


  • from on not living a paper-thin life


  • from Uncertainty isn’t a human flaw, it’s a feature of the world | Psyche Ideas by Psyche

  • from Uncertainty isn’t a human flaw, it’s a feature of the world | Psyche Ideas by Psyche

  • from 9 most useful piece of advice I’ve received

  • from 9 most useful piece of advice I’ve received

  • from 9 most useful piece of advice I’ve received