Sindhu Shivaprasad


thinker and tinkerer curious about agentic ways of living. writing essays at readkindredspirits.com, digital gardening at sindhu.live

  • curiosity

    67 cards · by Prashanth Narayan and

  • conviction

    22 cards · by Prashanth Narayan and

  • Creativity

    241 cards · by sari and

  • Personal Growth

    4 cards · by Tara McMullin and

  • purpose

    42 cards · by Prashanth Narayan and

  • Philosophy

    106 cards · by Brian Sholis and

  • Life Advice

    54 cards · by unoptimal and

  • founder's mentality

    208 cards · by sari and

  • Dealing with Uncertainty

    46 cards · by Keely Adler and

  • Finding Meaning

    55 cards · by sari and