Slow growth or no growth means the profits have to come from our being more efficient every year. Unlike the government, we cannot rely on an expanding economy to “burn the fat away." It's easier for a company to make a profit when it's growing at 10 percent or 15 percent a year. We have been profitable in years when we grew only a few percent by i... See more
DA: Well, totally. I feel the same way about like, why can I not pay 10 cents to read a fucking New York Times article? I realize that people have been proposing companies that would build this layer for so long. Some of them already exist. So maybe it's stupid to hope that blockchain would do it, but at the same time it's not a question of where d... See more
Micro. Rather than trying to cater to a mass audience in a superficial way, like broadcasting networks and cable channels, Netflix went deep and narrow in pursuit of niche viewers. The platform achieved scale through growth strategy focused on aggregation of niches. This growth strategy allowed Netflix to create a global market made out of micro-co... See more
Forums generally provide easy ways to organize content by topic, author, date, and more, which makes it simple to search for previous conversations. This makes it possible to have structured conversations, such as Q&As, and it also greatly increases the reusability of previous posts and conversation threads, turning the forum into a repository ... See more
In seeking stronger financial safety nets for millions of underserved Americans, might an identity-driven approach emerge as the most effective wedge into the broader financial services ecosystem? If so, might specific identity-aligned slices of the 57 million freelancers, 60 million Hispanics, or 73 million Boomers present attractive, addressable ... See more