2024 Commencement Address by Roger Federer at Dartmouth
1 Effortless is a myth
2 Belief in yourself has to be earned
3 Grit > Gift
4 Discipline is talent
5 Trust and loving the process is talent
6 You can do your best and still lose
7 Life is bigger than the court
Teddy Swims - Don't Stop Believin' [Official Audio]
- Here's the template I use whenever I need to delegate something. It's yours to copy/use/steal.
Trail Magic
reading, watching & listening to
What I quickly realized is how many yellow blazers there are in the world and that at many times in my life, I too have been a yellow blazer—opting for easier but less authentic and less interesting routes. The podcast is part of a portfolio of things that I put in place in my life to try to avoid being a yellow blazer, to instead push myself to be more like a blue blazer, exploring anywhere I can.
- the ideal of limitlessness consumption serves the modern economy quite well, but it does not serve the person well at all.2 This ideal imparts to us all a spirit of scarcity that darkens our experience: not enough time, not enough attention, not enough capacity to care. But upon what does this spirit feed? It feeds, in part, on the temptation to li... See more
from The Art of Living by L. M. Sacasas
This reminds me of what Craig Mod calls ‘having clear edges’
Edges ground us. Without clear edges we don’t feel like we’re in control.
- Being a founder requires constant calibration between arrogance and humility, optimism and pessimism. You need the arrogance to believe that you have something important to say, but the humility to know most people won’t care. You need the optimism to convince yourself and others (employees, investors, customers) to believe in you. But you need pes... See more
from Things I'm Thinking About by sari azout
- # on shortification of "learning" There are a lot of videos on YouTube/TikTok etc. that give the appearance of education, but if you look closely they are really just entertainment. This is very convenient for everyone involved : the people watching enjoy thinking they are learning (but actually they are just having fun). The people creating this ... See more
information diet management and sparks
the truth. “There are a lot of videos on YouTube/TikTok etc. that give the appearance of education… This content is an epsilon away from watching the Bachelorette. It's like snacking on those ‘Garden Veggie Straws’, which feel like you're eating healthy until you look at the ingredients.”
- Writing novels is hard, and requires vast, unbroken slabs of time. Four quiet hours is a resource that I can put to good use. Two slabs of time, each two hours long, might add up to the same four hours, but are not nearly as productive as an unbroken four. If I know that I am going to be interrupted, I can’t concentrate, and if I suspect that I mig... See more
from Neal Stephenson - Why I Am a Bad Correspondent by Neal Stephenson
- I used to struggle w needing to be “creative” or “original” in my work. At some point I had a breakthrough that really helped me: I cannot repeat an idea, no matter how basic or common, without imparting some of my worldview into it.