Many concepts can be explained concisely, in simple language, and we should all strive for clarity. But the aphorism is a mistake, for a number of thoughts approximate the carpenter’s craft, and to meaningfully reveal them requires time and attention. Sometimes these cannot simply be told to another at all, they must be grown. For a topical example... See more
The other problem with media comes from the new subscription business model they implemented. With an increasing polarization, media outlets must stay in their political leaning. If they don’t, they face a massive loss of subscriptions. An example of this happened recently with the NYT. By publishing “Send in the Troops,” the company faced one of i... See more
When you just watch the game, it looks like you make decisions between extracting resources, investing in expansion, et cetera. By the way, that alone is a lesson that I think Starcraft players are already better at than a lot of people who end up getting MBAs