- I usually don’t know what I want until someone shows me, or until I encounter it in the world for the very first time. That’s why, when I work with a creative professional like an illustrator, I am careful never to lead them too much about what silly ideas I think I have; I want to give them maximum freedom to put their own stamp of creativity on m... See more
from Why We Need More Omakase Creators by
I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am.
- Charles Horton Cooleyfrom i am who i think you think i am by
- models, despite their reputation for impartiality, reflect goals and ideology
from Weapons of Math Destruction Quotes by Cathy O'Neil
"models are opinions embedded in mathematics" No matter how many people come over for dinner, you’re only going to be able to engage with a few.
And no matter how big the crowd in the arena, the musicians can only see the faces of a few hundred.
An investor can only be engaged and smart about a very small number of companies.
And it doesn’t matter how many students are in the class, the teacher i
... See morefrom The natural size by Seth Godin
- Every clear directive you issue is a gift because it relievesyour staff of the stress of having to divine your goals. A cleardirective is an indication of trust: your way of saying "I havetaken the time and effort to figure out our goal. I nowacknowledge that you have the knowledge and resources to figureout the process."
from 11 laws of showrunning by Javier Grillo-Marxuach
- Nowadays, there are four things that are gonna decide if I have a good day. Did I sleep enough? Did I connect deeply with people I love? Did I get some time to myself? Did I make choices for my body that felt good—like, did I take a good walk, did I eat healthy, did I exercise? If I get those four things in place, usually my days are pretty good.
from Ezra Klein’s Formula for a Good Day Involves These Four Things by
What we are trying to do influences what becomes salient to us. If you are looking for a friend in a crowd, faces become salient to you, faces that would have otherwise passed you by. If you are making videos, you will notice patterns in the videos you watch. If you’re not, you can watch a thousand videos and have them pass through your head clean
... See morefrom How MrBeast Learns by Henrik Karlsson
One of the most intelligent case studies in design is the Chinese tea cup. They’re made without handles simply because if it’s too hot to touch, it’s too hot to drink.
Humans naturally want to add more. Add a cardboard sleeve, add a warning on the outside of the cup, add a handle. The result of all these things never cools down the actual contents.
... See morefrom #032 Peeling Back by Alex Tan
simplicity and