- How many places are there where someone’s free choice of activities matters much to anyone but the individual? In an age when our free time and talents are joint resources, the answer is “Everywhere.”
from Cognitive Surplus: How Technology Makes Consumers into Collaborators by Clay Shirky
“the attention to detail is inversely proportional to the size of the team” (Jordan Singer)
from Blog by Anthony Hobday
- Baby boomers are more tech savvy than their parents, having learned how to use computers and iphones during much of their working life, and may be more amenable to embracing (ever evolving) tech in their daily lives. This means that both post-retirement and elderly consumers themselves, as well as their aides both at home and in facilities, will be... See more
from Disrupting Eldercare by Addie Lerner
- Unlike Instagram, there’s an unlimited number of contexts you can post in. Until now, posts have been limited to your public feed, your “finsta” — from “fake insta,” an account you use for your 2am kind of photos — or your Close Friend stories, none of which capture all the contexts of our day-to-day experiences.
from Attention Required! | Cloudflare by Justin Potts
- Those who talk should do and only those who do should talk.
from Skin in the Game: The Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life by Nassim Taleb
- For example, Zynga grew up on Facebook’s growth. Or rather, drove Facebook’s growth. At one point, over half of the United States was playing Zynga games. For a while, Zynga’s incentives were aligned with Facebook: Farmville, a Zynga game, became a viral hit. So much so that people would convince their friends to get a Facebook account just to play... See more
from Not Found by Adam Keesling
- A hyperstructure can simultaneously be free to use and also extremely valuable to own and govern. This is a familiar value model that we observe for NFTs: the media can be universally free to consume, yet valuable to own and control as an individual or group.
from Hyperstructures by Jacob Horne
- “The single greatest opportunity to reduce suffering on the planet is through mental health.” – Peter Attia
from #122 - Lori Gottlieb: Understanding pain, therapeutic breakthroughs, and keys to enduring emotional health - Peter Attia by Lori Gottlieb
- Automating thoughtful connections: To that end, I think someone should build “introductions as a service.” It would be similar in function to Lunchclub but could include information uploaded from the company or community in question. It would also be business-facing (serving the organization) rather than consumer-focused. The result would be someth... See more
from Five Startup Ideas #022 | The Generalist by Mario Gabriele