Tokens are what you get when you combine a target metric with a built-in incentive: you get an incredibly powerful mechanism for motivating people to do things! This power is why tokenomics is such a promising field and why so many protocols are using tokens to coordinate their communities.
The growth of the podcasting ecosystem, the fragmentation of the online writing market, and the emergence of the “self actualization economy” provide a few examples where significant opportunities have opened up for companies building support infrastructure and distribution models to help emerging creators turn their passions and unique skills into... See more
But what happens when those products sell out? As Amazon Prime Now begins to show its supply chain and last mile pressures, 2PM’s research has identified a number of categories and brands that are reflecting signs of lift in traffic, search awareness, and conversion. These categories include: utility, hydration, food, recreation, and entertainment.... See more
In New York, people speak fast. In the American South, they speak slowly. Both of them are a form of politeness, understood in a different way. In New York, you speak quickly because you respect the value of the other person’s time and you don’t want to take up too much of it. In the South, you speak slowly because you want to respect the person by... See more