This is where messaging is a much more natural fit, and, as far as the depth of your network is concerned, messaging services are just as much a threat to v1 social networks connectivity as TikTok is to Facebook’s hold on attention: I can simultaneously be a Bucks fan with the Fiefdom, a tech enthusiast with my Slack group, explore ideas with my Wh... See more
This may just be a nicer way of phrasing Zuckerberg’s clown car comment. Twitter happened upon a once-in-a-generation shift: the Internet was changing everything about the flow of information. Twitter stumbled into such a massive opportunity that it couldn’t evolve quickly enough to ride the wave.
On the other hand, the idea of increased productivity is a harder sell in the home. Generally speaking, consumers prefer subscriptions when there’s a clear cost savings for the “all-you-can-eat buffet” vs. a la carte purchases.